Christmas party Lucerne

Christmas party in Lucerne

Book venues for Christmas parties in Lucerne

By the end of November at the latest, the time of Christmas celebrations begins. Many venues are booked well in advance. Therefore, you should reserve your desired venue in Lucerne soon! So that you can find the right place for your individual Christmas party, we have listed in this category the best venues that you can find in the city for a Christmas party. This makes it easy for you to find the right place quickly. 

1 Venues
Radisson Blu Hotel Reussen Andermatt

Radisson Blu Hotel Reussen Andermatt   Bärengasse 1, 6490 Andermatt

Number of event areas 9
Venue for Event, Presentation, Movie / Photo, Event modules & Incentive programmes, Christmas party
Area Lucerne
  Bahnhof   0.5 km
  Flughafen  125 km